Our 7 Most Popular WordPress SEO Plugins

Wordpress-SEO-Plugins Okon Schwarz

WordPress is the most popular Content Management System (CMS) on the internet. There are over 101 million WordPress blogs on the internet, powering 63% of all websites. WordPress is an open-source content management system used to create websites. Many bloggers and businesses use it as their website platform. But why is WordPress so popular? Some […]

Attracting Young Employees: Reaching Generation Z with Social Media

Online Werbeagentur Okon Schwarz SEO SEA Social Media Agentur Generation Z

The internet, with its social media platforms, is evolving into one of the largest channels for marketing. Social media marketing plays a significant role in customer acquisition as well as employee recruitment. This is particularly true for today’s young people, who are, for example, currently searching for apprenticeships and are active on specific social networks. […]

TikTok Ads – Your Opportunity to Reach the Young Generation Z

Okon Schwarz Werbeagentur Online Marketing SEA SEO Social Media Agentur Erfurt Jena Thüringen Tiktok

Looking to connect with young people through your advertising and turn them into new customers? Then TikTok is the right social network for you. Leveraging social media networks for advertising purposes falls under the realm of social media marketing as part of online marketing. The TikTok platform is virtually ubiquitous among young individuals. Many of […]